Real-time advertising

Our Fridges were intentionally placed in high-traffic areas that often were traversed at all hours of the day, this included libraries, airports, college dorms, hospitals, and most notable transit stations. The last area was of the utmost importance as it cornered our core demographic of on-the-go professionals who were either commuting to or from their place of work. Our products were tailored around convenience while simultaneously not suffering from being low-quality items composed of subpar ingredients.

This campaign allowed us the opportunity to engage with our audience where they already were and allowed us the freedom of showcasing our offerings in their raw form, with no tricks or clever photographic angles to shroud imperfections. Stations that already housed an active Fridge were prioritized as the advertisements would cement the already existing knowledge of the machine, while prospective stations were a secondary target as they would be strong brand awareness campaigns when that location went live.

Below are some real-world examples of how these advertisements played out in the space mentioned above; the focus of the designs themselves was to make the menu item the star as we had learned that the stopping power of the layered item had a lasting impression on our customer base.

Supporting the campaign

In conjunction with the digital ads in key locations, we also produced sales materials that would be distributed to local office buildings or other logical areas that either had a fridge location or were near an area that had an existing build-out.

Co-branded bus shelters were also contracted outside of those key locations in the downtown core of Chicago as they exhibited signs of high foot traffic and were at the nexus of highly used bus routes.